Executive Functioning

Learn the skills and habits that will serve you for years to come.

Executive function coaching is a specialized form of therapy designed to support children and adults in developing and enhancing their ability to regulate their thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve goals. These skills are essential for various tasks, such as planning, organizing, initiating tasks, sustaining attention, managing time, and adapting to changing situations.

Executive function coaching is often beneficial for individuals with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, or executive function challenges. It typically involves working with a therapist who helps clients identify their strengths and challenges related to executive functions and provides strategies and support to improve these skills. The goal is to empower individuals to navigate their daily lives more effectively and achieve their personal and professional aspirations.

For school-age children, it is important that parents participate as well, since you have the best opportunities to help your kids follow through and implement what they’re learning. 

Skills we develop: 

  • Organization

  • Following-through with tasks

  • Time management

  • Planning

  • Minimizing distractions

  • Study habits

  • Long-term and financial planning

  • Coping with transitions

Key aspects of Executive Function Coaching

  • The coaching process often begins with an assessment of the individual's executive function strengths and weaknesses. This may involve self-reporting, observation, or standardized assessments.

  • Coaches collaborate with clients to identify specific goals related to executive function skills. These goals may include improving time management, organization, planning, or other areas that impact daily functioning.

  • Coaches provide targeted strategies and techniques to help individuals build and strengthen their executive function skills. This may involve breaking down tasks into manageable steps, creating visual schedules, or implementing specific organizational tools.

  • Coaching often addresses time management challenges, helping individuals create realistic schedules, set priorities, and manage deadlines effectively.

  • Strategies for organization may include creating systems for managing belongings, utilizing digital or physical planners, and developing routines to maintain order.

  • Coaches assist individuals in developing problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and obstacles that may arise in various situations.

  • Coaching supports the development of self-regulation skills, helping individuals manage emotions, cope with stress, and stay focused on tasks.

  • Regular feedback and accountability are crucial components of executive function coaching. Coaches work with individuals to monitor progress, make adjustments to strategies, and celebrate successes.

  • Executive function coaching is highly individualized, recognizing that each person's strengths, challenges, and goals are unique. The coaching process is tailored to the specific needs of the individual.

Learn how to get the care you need.

A photo of a sign sitting in a window sill that says, 'you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem.'
Photo of a teenage girl in her home, sitting at the kitchen table with her laptop and headphones, on a virtual therapy session with her therapist to work on executive functioning skills.